Mon Jul 15 2024, Marek Sotak

Do You Need a Digital Adoption Platform? (Spoiler Alert: Yes. Yes You Do.)

New technologies, new software, new process solutions — they’re all great right? What’s not to love about increased productivity, lower costs, super fast ROIs etc.? The problem is, all of these great advances depend on one very important thing: Can your employees and customers actually use all of these beautiful new tools and processes? In many cases, the answer has been a loud and resounding, “NO”.

Big Enterprise solutions like SAP and Workday are awesome — and awesomely complicated. And it’s not only the big boys you have to worry about. The term SaaS sprawl has been coined to describe the wasted resources that come with too many applications. IT operations often run with 25% or more of their software unused, leading to approximately $34 billion in annual licensing waste in the US and UK.

As discussed elsewhere on this blog, a lot of smart people looked at the problem of user adoption and came up with some amazingly creative solutions. Yep, they came up with that DAP your company needs! DAPs come in a variety of different “flavors” and to give you the most basic definition — they’re designed to guide users through digital processes using contextual assistance and training within applications. Let’s take a more in-depth look at some of the biggest reasons your company needs one.

Do More. Faster.

One of the basic benefits of implementing a DAP is the significant boost in productivity it can give you. DAPs help users adapt to complex software systems with ease, reducing the time spent on troubleshooting and manual processes.

Here’s a partial list of some of the techniques that can be used:

1. Step-by-step guidance within applications:

  • Interactive walkthroughs that guide users through complex processes from start to finish
  • Task lists that break down multi-step procedures into manageable chunks
  • Visual cues like arrows or highlights to draw attention to relevant interface elements

2. On-the-job learning approach:

  • Learning integrated into daily tasks, allowing employees to gain proficiency while working
  • Contextual tips and best practices delivered at the point of need
  • Microlearning modules that can be accessed without leaving the work environment

3. Minimizes workflow disruption:

  • Reduces the need for employees to switch between applications to find help or information
  • Decreases time spent searching for answers in external documentation or knowledge bases
  • Allows for immediate application of learned skills, helping retention and boosting productivity

Real World:

Currie & Brown, a construction consultancy, was having trouble with the transition to their sophisticated Unit4 ERP project accounting system. In addition, ongoing company growth with new employees in various locations around the world meant they had to reflect regional variations in processes and requirements. Using Inline Manual’s DAP, they rolled out walkthroughs, tooltips and learning guides to key modules across the system. It now has more than 2000 users in English and simplified Chinese and, most importantly, has reduced the number of support tickets and increased end-user satisfaction.

Global Bank’s US subsidiary wanted to modernize their planning, training systems, and process compliance to ensure data quality. By implementing a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP), they exceeded their data integrity goals and saved 80% on support costs. This allowed them to focus more on their core competencies rather than on building and organizing.

These productivity gains are not isolated incidents. By 2025, Gartner expects 70 percent of organizations will be using digital adoption platforms for one simple reason — they work.

Do More. Easier.

DAPs significantly improve user experience for both employees and customers by providing contextual guidance and in-app support.

Partial List of DAP User-Centric Features:

1. Contextual guidance:

  • Intelligent prompts that appear based on the user’s current location within the application
  • Step-by-step walkthroughs tailored to specific tasks or processes
  • Smart tips that anticipate user needs based on their role or previous actions

2. Real-time assistance:

  • Interactive tooltips that explain features as users hover over them
  • In-app chatbots for immediate support without leaving the application
  • Screen overlays that highlight important elements or guide users through complex workflows

3. Just-in-time learning approach:

  • Bite-sized learning modules that appear when users attempt new tasks
  • Microlearning content embedded within the application for quick reference
  • Progressive disclosure of information to avoid overwhelming users

Real World:

Ferring Pharmaceutical, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, used a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) to speed up its contract lifecycle management (CLM) transformation. The DAP provided employees with in-app guidance and self-service support, enabling them to fully utilize the CLM. As a result, Ferring saw a 33% reduction in support tickets in the first quarter after launch and achieved a 96% self-service success rate among users.

Doccle, a document management service, wanted to make users aware of the product features and changes and help them understand how they’d benefit from them, without overwhelming them. They used Inline Manual to implement in-app modals, pop-ups and tooltips which has reduced the number of support tickets and improved user experience. One of the product designers commented, “Every time something goes wrong, the support team gets 40 to 50% fewer tickets when we warn users with a pop-up.”

Is It Worth it?

Implementing a DAP can significantly reduce training and support costs for businesses. Traditional training methods often involve extensive classroom sessions, printed materials, and dedicated instructors, which are both expensive and time-consuming. With a DAP, businesses can minimize these types of resource-intensive training programs. Instead, employees can access on-demand, interactive training modules directly within the application, reducing the workload on trainers and support staff.

The return on investment (ROI) of implementing a DAP is another strong selling point. A study of four companies by Forrester Research found that by using WalkMe’s DAP solution, they achieved an incredible ROI of 368% over three years. The study also found that the platform helped businesses avoid costly software customizations and reduced the need for additional support staff.

Faster & Better: Onboarding Made Easy

1. Interactive and engaging training modules:

  • Gamified learning experiences that make training more enjoyable and memorable
  • Scenario-based simulations that allow employees to practice in a risk-free environment
  • Adaptive quizzes and assessments that adjust difficulty based on user performance

2. Self-service onboarding programs:

  • Personalized onboarding paths tailored to specific roles or departments
  • Progress tracking tools that allow new hires to monitor their own advancement
  • On-demand resources that enable employees to learn at their own pace and revisit materials as needed.

Real World:

Mattel, now both a toy and movie production company, wanted to improve its new hire onboarding process. By introducing step-by-step guided workflows and real-time support using a DAP, Mattel achieved a 90% Workday implementation in the first 60 days. This approach reduced the need for extensive training and traditional IT support, enabling Mattel to save time and resources.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

DAPs also provide valuable insights and analytics that can influence business decisions and strategy. They can track various metrics, including user engagement, feature adoption rates, and common pain points. This data is amazingly useful for understanding user behavior and optimizing digital experiences.


Fivetran, a data movement platform, wanted their product teams to report and understand user behavior and friction points. Fivetran used a DAP system to collect actionable feedback and detailed bug reports from opt-in users during beta tests for new features and UX updates, enabling them to refine and enhance their product before the general release.

Are They Actually Using It?

Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) [employ different methods and technologies]( to boost user engagement and motivate users to explore new technology. For instance, Talent LMS reports that 80% of learners believe they would be more productive if their training had game-like elements, while 60% of learners said they would feel more motivated with higher levels of competition, and 89% stated that an eLearning platform featuring a point system would help them learn faster.

A partial list of adoption and onboarding techniques:

1. Gamification:

  • Progress bars and achievement badges for completing tasks or learning new features
  • Leaderboards to encourage friendly competition in adoption and proficiency
  • Points or rewards systems tied to exploration and mastery of the application

2. Continuous support and resources:

  • Always-accessible knowledge base integrated within the application
  • Context-sensitive help articles and videos
  • User forums or communities for peer-to-peer support and knowledge sharing

Real World:

Vitally, a customer success platform, faced the challenge of driving feature awareness and product adoption without disrupting user experience. Vitally used a DAP to offer contextual in-app tours, banners, and microsurveys, along with self-serve learning options. As a result, Vitally achieved an impressive 55% average tour completion rate, gathered valuable feedback, and increased visibility for their help center resources.

You’ve Got The Edge

Having a DAP can give companies a significant edge. By enabling faster adoption of digital tools, simplifying processes, and improving user experience, DAPs help businesses stay ahead of the curve. Companies that use DAPs effectively can stand out from their competitors by offering vastly superior customer experience along with more efficient internal operations.

Real World:

The financial services company, The Motley Fool, used a DAP to implement in-service product tours. These tours onboard new members, orient them to the service, educate them on key features, and encourage them to buy recommended stocks. This approach resulted in a 9% reduction in churn over 45 days and a 20% increase in users taking key stock buying actions, paving the way for user success.

Mixpanel, a B2B product analytics software, implemented a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) that delivered product tours showcasing new features and updates. These tours achieved an impressive 56% average completion rate, and using in-product messages, Mixpanel increased customer retention by 4% and tripled their Net Promoter Score.

Are You Prepared?

Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) are a must for future-proofing businesses. If you’re launching a digital transformation program or implementing a large and complicated software solution — there’s really no way to avoid it. If you want that big investment of time and money to pay off, it’s time to get a DAP. By including DAPs into long-term business strategies, you can help maintain growth, efficiency and user satisfaction.

A great place to start is by checking out Inline Manual’s many different DAP solutions and see for yourself. Whether it’s user onboarding and in-app marketing designed to successfully upsell or staff training and onboarding that increases productivity and cuts costs — we can craft a tailored solution that fits your needs. Get a free demo or contact us about creating a proof of concept (POC) based on your own requirements. And just one more reminder, whatever solution you end up picking — yes, you need a DAP!

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