Ease the workload of your helpdesk by enabling in-app support. They will love you.

Hundreds of users asking the same, simple questions. Inefficiently used internal support resources. Exhausted helpdesk agents. Every large company knows this. Change the status quo with Inline Manual and let your employees self-support themselves with online support accessible anytime.
employees onboarded
with Inline Manual
SAI Global
Snap Inc

Let your employees help themselves. Right when they need it

Imagine a world where your employees could help themselves without contacting the helpdesk and bugging anyone. Well with Inline Manual it’s reality.


Inline knowledge base

A knowledge base that lives directly on top of the solution you are using, no matter whether it’s Workday, Salesforce, BusinessWorld, Dynamics or anything else.



Customise the look of the knowledge base, use your own branding to make your employees feel more comfortable using it.

Guide users through problematic parts of the software

Employees are often struggling with the same parts of software all over again and helpdesk is flooded by the same tickets. Let them figure it out with in-app help and timely tooltips.



Once you identify where the users are struggling, let them learn the process properly with interactive walkthroughs.



Avail a persistent help in places where employees are struggling the most. They will always have help available.

Analyse the impact and reallocate internal resources

Keep evaluating the performance of the content to understand where the users still need help. Save your helpdesk time to focus on something more strategic and meaningful.



Get insights on the overall performance of the education content you have created and keep closing the loopholes.

People tracking

Track the progress of specific users in order to understand where the problems could be and to identify how to fix them.

Higher productivity, faster

By implementing a digital adoption platform, your employees will be more productive faster and if they run into troubles, they always know where to get refresher training.

Happier employees

Researches show employees feel like they are losing time attending internal meetings and trainings, but they still need to learn. Let them learn from their desk.

Free up the hands of your internal helpdesk

By enabling employees to self-support themselves, you will greatly lower the workload at your internal helpdesk. And they will love you!

Reduce support and training costs

Don’t costly organise trainings and refreshers - researches prove that 70% of learnt is forgotten anyways. Inline help is always available.



Support your users with tooltips explaining what they can do with your application. Directly where they are supposed to do it.



Guide the users through your application to get them to desired goals faster. Allow the to learn by doing.



Support your users by having a knowledge base available directly within the application. Don’t let them hang there ever again.

Ready to create better user experiences?

Get started for free, no credit card required.