Stop hoping users will find the new feature. Just show them.

We are all striving to bring new features that will make users of our applications more productive, happier and stick with our product longer. Many of those get never really adopted though. Remove the guesswork. Use Inline Manual to ensure higher adoption rates by introducing new features in the right way and collecting timely feedback.
product features launched
with Inline Manual

Create in-app product announcements

Let your users know that you’ve built something new for them. Email announcements are not the most effective option, you will see better adoption if you do it directly in product.

In-app modals

In-app modals

Announce new features and releases with modals that will overlay the entire application. You can explain what is new straight away.



Use hotspots to grab the attention of the user while he is working with you app as he is used to. Once he clicks on it, launch a walkthrough sequence to show them what you've built.

Notify your users at the best moment

Timing is important when driving feature adoption. And it doesn’t have to mean that you need to walk the users through it at some point, you might want to consider a persistent help as well.



Make sure you target the right set of users in the moments that matter to get the best traction for new features.



Tooltips offer you the opportunity to have a persistent help available in parts of the app where users are struggling the most.

Figure out how well you’re doing

As one of the old rules says: always measure everything. With Inline Manual you can see how many users have interacted with the content around new features and you can collect detailed feedback to understand how well you’re doing.

Detailed Analytics


Gain insights on how users are interacting with the content that helps you to announce and walk them through the new features.

Instant Feedback

Feedback & NPS

Collect feedback and NPS to understand how well you’re doing. You can collect feedback on pretty much anything you want and get the results in no time.


3-minute implementation

To implement Inline Manual, you just need to copy and paste a code snippet into your application and you are all set up!

Part of app experience

Part of your app experience

Inline Manual becomes part of your application experience meaning your users will never need to install additional plugins or leave your application.

Fast and simple changes

Fast and simple changes

Need to change the flows? No problem - you don’t have to bother your developers ever again and can change the flows yourself.

Biggest impact

Where you need it, when it has the biggest impact

Target the messages to point your users to new features to achieve the biggest impact in adoption and repeated feature use.

Biggest impact


Catch the attention of your users to introduce new features or drive the adoption of existing ones.

Biggest impact


Guide the users through your application to get them to desired goals faster. Allow the to learn by doing.

Biggest impact


Use modals for announcements, to run promotions, drive conversions and upsells or simply to welcome your users.

Ready to create better user experiences?

Get started for free, no credit card required.