Mon Jun 29 2015, Marek Sotak

New! Track how users interact with your software onboarding process

Inline Manual can track users of your website and display reports describing who they are and how they behave. You can use these reports to find out where they are from, which tutorials they did and their latest activity.

Who is active

See who is active and who just signed up.

User profile with Inline Manual data

What was the user up to, which tutorials they have seen and how much they might be engaged? Drill down by specific user to learn more about them.

How to set it up

Visit your Site at Inline Manual portal, go to People and enable People tracking. Follow the instructions what to embed. The tracking is optional and free whilst in BETA. It is up to you what data you want to send to Inline Manual, there is only one field mandatory and that is unique user id (either a number, email, string, etc…).

Enable people tracking for your site

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